Historic Prevention Commission

The Arab Historic Preservation Commission (HPC) was established in January of 2013 to protect, preserve & rehabilitate historic properties in Arab as well as to participate in federal and state programs that support such revitalization efforts. Some of Arab’s most historic treasures had already been lost due to neglect or other causes but the HPC is endeavoring to keep what is significant from their community’s past for future generations to come.

Arab’s first accredited high school, built in 1922, is still there today.

Kathy King: City Hall
HPC Liaison
Arab City Hall
740 North Main Street
Arab, Alabama 35016


This Place Matters

Historic Preservation Month is celebrated across the country each year during the month of May. The National Trust for Historic Preservation spear-heads the initiative, and thousands of people participate by holding events that promote the social and economic benefits of preserving historic places, while celebrating the diverse and unique heritage of the cities and states in our nation.

In May 2015, as part of Historic Preservation Month, the National Trust launched a “This Place Matters” campaign, to inspire conversation about preservation and why it’s important. The campaign provided a way to shine a spotlight on the special places that matter to each one of us, and encourages others to get involved by sharing photos of our most meaningful historic places. To join the national conversation, use hashtag #ThisPlaceMatters on all your social media platforms.

General Design Guidelines and Certificate of Appropriateness

In order to implement changes to the exterior of any building or structure within the boundaries of the Historical District, there are General Design Guidelines that must be adhered to.

If your building or structure is within the Arab Historical District (see below), you must submit an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) to be approved by the Historic Preservation Commission prior to beginning any work. Click here to download the application.

Arab City Hall

740 North Main Street
Arab, Alabama 35016

Monday - Friday


Mission Statement

The City of Arab has a mission to foster and sustain a living environment that cultivates progressive awareness and the acceptance of diverse cultural differences, while maintaining a wholesome family atmosphere.

The mission also includes an improved quality of life through economic growth and development, continuously seeking ways to increase revenues, and the ongoing expansion of local Infrastructure.