City Boards & Committees
Mission Statement:
The Arab Beautification Board has a broad mission to promote the welfare and beautification of the City of Arab.
The board also serves as the official Tree Commission for the city.
Kathy King
740 North Main Street, Arab, Alabama 35016
Phone: (256)586-3544· Fax: (256) 586-9711
Regular board meetings are held at 6:00 p.m. at Arab City Hall on the first Thursday of every month, unless re-scheduled. Call ahead to verify specific meeting date.
The board is comprised of nine (9) members appointed by the City Council. Members serve three (3) year staggered terms.
Functions, duties, responsibilities:
The Arab Beautification Board was established in 1974 and was appointed as the Tree Commission in 1989. Besides general objectives, the board has created several specific projects including the Yards of the Month program, which is awarded to two residences and one business during the spring and summer months each year. A tree-planting program, in collaboration with the Arbor Day celebration, is a Tree Commission activity, as well, that takes place each year in April. The Beautification Board also identifies specific public landscaping projects – recommending them to the City Council for completion.
Vision: Invest in Others· Serve our Community· Seek Growth
Mission: To Shape the Future of all Learners and our Community
General Information:
Dr. Johnny Berry, Superintendent
750 Arabian Drive Northeast
Arab, Alabama 35016
Phone: (256) 586-6011· Fax: (256) 586-6013
Regular board meetings are held at 6:00 p.m. on the fourth Thursday of every month at the Arab High School Media Center (511 Arabian Drive) unless otherwise specified.
The board is comprised of five (5) members appointed by the City Council. Members serve five (5) year staggered terms.
Functions, duties, responsibilities:
The Arab Board of Education is a corporate board charged with operating and maintaining the City’s school system. The system is comprised of four schools: Arab Primary School (K-2), Arab Elementary School (3-5), Arab Junior High School (6-8), and Arab High School (9-12). The Arab City School System is accredited by AdvancED, a National Accreditation System. The board establishes policies, curriculum, budgetary controls, and general supervision over approximately 200 faculty, 12 administrators, 112 support personnel, and nearly 2,600 students.
Melissa Cook, Economic Development Director
740 North Main Street, Arab, Alabama 35016
Phone: (256) 586-3544 · Fax: (256) 586-9711
Meetings are scheduled for the second Tuesday of each month at 7:30 a.m. at Arab City Hall.
Five (5) members are appointed by the City Council. Members serve four (4) year staggered terms.
Council Member Mike Allen serves as Council Liaison to this board.
Functions, duties, responsibilities:
The Arab Commercial Development Authority is established and functions in accordance with Section 11-54-170 through 11-54-192,
Code of Alabama, 1975. The Commercial Development Authority has the authority to acquire, own, and lease projects to promote trade and commerce by inducing commercial enterprises to locate new facilities and expand existing facilities.
Mission Statement:
The Arab Construction Board of Appeals is concerned with appeals of decisions and building code interpretations made by the City’s
Building Inspector.
Dameon Pittenger, Building Inspector
740 North Main Street, Arab, Alabama 35016
Phone: (256) 586-5968· Fax: (256) 586-9711
Board meetings are held on an "as-needed" basis, upon filing of an appeal or at the request of the Building Inspector.
Seven (7) members and two (2) alternate members are appointed by the City Council. Members serve four (4) year staggered terms.
Functions, duties, responsibilities:
The Arab Construction Board of Appeals is established and functions in accordance with requirements of the Standard Building Code
enforced by the City. This board also serves as an Unsafe Structures Board to review structural condemnation recommendations by
the Building Inspector.
Ricky Phillips, Director
740 North Main Street
Arab, Alabama 35016
Phone: (256) 586-8819
Board meetings are held on an "as-needed" basis as requested by the EMA Chairperson.
Members are appointed by the Mayor for an unspecified term.
Functions, duties, responsibilities:
The City of Arab Emergency Management Agency (EMA) is an organization of City departments and members of a volunteer Rescue Squad appointed by the Mayor. The Agency serves two primary functions: (1) to develop a plan designed to reduce the impact of disasters on our community and its citizens through proper planning, training and exercises; and, (2) to coordinate governmental and non-governmental organizations in the protection and care of the citizens of Arab during and after a disaster.
Emergency Siren Warning System:
The Emergency Management Agency operates and maintains a system of emergency warning sirens. Sites located throughout the city offer not only warning sirens when an emergency occurs, but provide verbal instructions to those in the vicinity of each siren and speaker. These instructions are designed to assist citizens in what to do and where to go in the face of an emergency.
Emergency Relief Fund:
Pace Whitaker
740 North Main Street, Arab, Alabama 35016
Phone: (256) 586-3544
Mission Statement:
The Arab Historic Preservation Commission has a broad mission to promote and insure the historical, cultural and aesthetic heritage of the City of Arab. The Arab Historic Preservation Commission is endeavoring to enable future generations to hold on to what is significant from their community’s past.
Kim Johnson
740 North Main Street, Arab, Alabama 35016
Phone: (256) 586-5968 · Fax: (256) 586-9711
The Arab Historic Preservation Commission meets at 6:00 p.m. at Arab City Hall, 740 North Main Street, according to this schedule: January thru March, meetings are held every second Tuesday; April thru September, meetings are held every other week; October thru December, meetings are held every second Tuesday.
Initial members are appointed by the Mayor and subsequent members are appointed by the City Council. Members serve three (3) year staggered terms.
Functions, duties, responsibilities:
The Arab Historic Preservation Commission was established in January 2013, to provide for the designation, protection, preservation and rehabilitation of historic properties and historic districts. Having that designation enables us to participate in federal and state programs. The “This Place Matters” program was launched to recognize specific historic buildings and places, and to increase public awareness of the importance of preserving Arab’s rich history. Some of Arab’s most historic treasures have already been lost due to neglect or other causes, but now we have a way to preserve and protect them.
General Design Guidelines required for property owners within the Historical District:
If your property is within the Arab Historical District, there are General Design Guidelines you are required to follow when making changes to the exterior of any building or structure on that property. These changes must be submitted to and approved by the Historic Preservation Commission before any work can be done.
To find out if your property is inside the Arab Historical District, click here.
Mission Statement:
The Arab Housing Authority has a broad mission to provide housing to low and moderate income families and the elderly.
Cindy Coker, Director
720 Cullman Road
Arab, Alabama 35016
Phone: (256) 586-5904
This board meets at the above address at 5:30 p.m. every third Monday of January, April, July and October. An annual meeting is held on the third Monday in June.
The board is comprised of five (5) members appointed by the Mayor. Members serve five (5) year staggered terms.
Functions, duties, responsibilities:
The Arab Housing Authority was established in 1950, with a primary function of providing decent, safe and sanitary housing for low-and moderately low-income families, and for the elderly, under guidelines established by the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. The Authority owns, operates and maintains two housing projects with a total of 105 apartment dwelling units and 69 Section 8 Vouchers.
Mission Statement:
The Arab Industrial Development Board is concerned with the promotion and support of industrial and economic development of the
community through marketing and acquisition of sites for industrial prospects interested in locating in Arab.
Melissa Cook, Economic Development Director
740 North Main Street, Arab, Alabama 35016
Phone: (256) 586-3544· Fax: (256) 586-9711
This board meets at Arab City Hall, 740 North Main Street, at 7:30 a.m. on the second Tuesday of each month.
Members are appointed by the City Council. Members serve four (4) year staggered terms.
Council Member Mike Allen serves as Council Liaison to this board.
Functions, duties, responsibilities:
The Arab Industrial Development Board is a corporate board which was established and functions in accordance with State law (Sec,11-54-80 through 11-54-101). Additional statutes authorize the board to issue bonds for the purchase and development of industrial property. Such projects may be equipped, sold or leased to manufacturers within statutory guidelines.
Mission Statement:
The Arab Library Board has a broad mission to establish and oversee general public library policies.
Tanya Alexander, Director
325 Second Street Northwest
Arab, Alabama 35016
Phone: 256.586.3366
General Information:
Announcement Line: (256) 931-7266
The Arab Library Board meets quarterly on the 4th Tuesdays of January, April, July & October at 5p in the Library.
The board is comprised of five (5) members appointed by the City Council. Members serve four (4) year staggered terms.
Functions, duties, responsibilities:
The Arab Library Board was created to oversee general public library policies and to submit annual library recommendations to the Mayor each year when preparing the City’s annual operating budget.
Mission Statement:
The Personnel Grievance Board has a broad mission to promote fairness to all those involved in a grievance process regarding the City and its employees, and to advise the City regarding personnel problems.
Patti Patterson, Personnel Director
740 North Main Street, Arab, Alabama 35016
Phone: (256) 586-3544 · Fax: (256) 586-9711
This board meets whenever a City employee has filed a personnel grievance and a meeting is required.
The board is comprised of three (3) members appointed by the City Council. Members serve three (3) year staggered terms.
Functions, duties, responsibilities:
The Personnel Grievance Board was established in 1991, at the same time the City Council adopted a new Personnel Policy for its employees. The primary duties and functions of the board are part of the Personnel Policy, and include not only the scheduling and hearing of personnel grievances, but also to act in an advisory capacity to the Mayor and City Council on problems concerning personnel administration.
Mission Statement:
The broad mission of the Arab Planning Commission is to implement growth policies, ordinances, and State Statutes that were designed to enhance and protect the general health, safety and welfare of the community.
Kim Johnson
740 North Main Street, Arab, Alabama 35016
Phone: (256) 586-5968 · Fax: (256) 586-9711
Regular board meetings are held at 6:00 p.m. on the third Tuesday of each month at Arab City Hall, 740 North Main Street. Call City Hall in advance, (256) 586-3544, for any changes or special meetings.
The board is comprised of a total of nine members. Six of these members are usually appointed by the Mayor and serve six years. The Mayor (or his replacement), Administrative Officer and City Council Member serve during time in office.
Functions, duties, responsibilities:
The Arab City Planning Commission specifically makes rezoning recommendations to the City Council, gives final approval of new subdivisions, approves and revises elements of comprehensive planning, and makes zoning code revision recommendations to the City Council.
Mission Statement:
The Arab Sewer Board is committed to providing adequate and efficient sanitary sewer service to as many businesses andresidences as possible in the Arab area.
John Barnes, Manager
526 Cullman Road, Arab, Alabama 35016
Office: (256) 586-6148· Plant 1: (256) 586-5898· Plant 2: (256) 586-1703
Regular board meetings are held at 8:00 a.m. on the second Tuesday of each month at Arab Water Works (address listing above) unless re-scheduled. Call ahead to verify specific meeting date.
The board is comprised of three (3) members appointed by the City Council. Members serve six (6) year staggered terms.
Functions, duties, responsibilities:
The Arab Sewer Board is a corporate board charged with operating and maintaining the city’s sanitary sewer system under guidelines established by its Charter, and State and Federal environmental standards. The board has its own staff qualified to operate its two treatment plants and maintain lines extending throughout the community. Those residents and businesses receiving sewer service pay charges as part of their water utility bill.
Mission Statement:
The Arab Water Board is committed to providing an adequate supply of potable water to customers throughout the City of Arab and the surrounding area.
Ted Hyatt, Manager
526 Cullman Road
Arab, Alabama 35016
Phone: (256)586-3159
Regular board meetings are held at 6:00 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of every month at Arab Water Works (address listed above) unless re-scheduled. Call ahead to verify specific meeting date. To be on the agenda, you must call one week in advance of the meeting.
The board is comprised of three (3) members appointed by the City Council. Members serve six (6) year staggered terms.
Functions, duties, responsibilities:
The Arab Water Board is a corporate board charged with operating and maintaining a potable water system under guidelines established by its Charter, and State and Federal environmental standards. The board has its own staff qualified to operate its treatment plant and to extend and maintain water lines for residential, business and industrial use, as well as fire protection. Besides serving customers inside the city limits, the board services a broad region outside the city, and “wholesales” water to several other small communities nearby. The Water Board billing includes its own user charges, as well as those established by the Arab Sewer Board. It also includes a majority of the solid waste collection fees collected on behalf of the City of Arab.
Kim Johnson
740 North Main Street, Arab, Alabama 35016
Phone: (256) 586-5968· Fax: (256) 586-9711
This board meets whenever a petition is filed by a citizen or property owner for a specific appeal action. Notice for a petition hearing is published in the legal section of the Arab Tribune.
This board is appointed by the City Council, and consists of five (5) regular members and two (2) alternate members that serve a three (3) year term.
Functions, duties, responsibilities:
The Arab Zoning Board of Adjustment considers appeals or variances from the requirements of the City zoning regulations; reviews requests for special exceptions; and reviews appeals from City zoning administrator decisions.
Arab City Hall
740 North Main Street
Arab, Alabama 35016
Monday - Friday
Mission Statement
The City of Arab has a mission to foster and sustain a living environment that cultivates progressive awareness and the acceptance of diverse cultural differences, while maintaining a wholesome family atmosphere.
The mission also includes an improved quality of life through economic growth and development, continuously seeking ways to increase revenues, and the ongoing expansion of local Infrastructure.