Cemetery & Columbarium
The death of a loved one is a difficult time but our caring staff will work with you to make the experience as painless as possible.
When contacting cemetery staff to make arrangements, please have the following information available:
- Full name of the deceased
- Age of the deceased
- Date of death
- Name of funeral home
- Date, time, and location of funeral or memorial service(s)
- Deed holder’s name and location of lot
- Payment Information
Arab Street Department
220 Heroes Lane Northwest
Arab, Alabama 35016
Tel: (256) 586-2510
Helen Stone, Cemetery Director
Office Hours:
7:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
12:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Sale of Burial Plots
- The cost of an individual burial plot is $600.00. At the time of purchase, all lots shall be paid in full. No plots will be reserved without full payment.
- When no plot has been purchased prior to death, a plot may be secured with full payment due within 30 days of interment.
- Burial plots may be purchased by individuals or families for personal or family use only, and may not be purchased by businesses or corporations.
- Title to previously purchased plots may not be transferred to individuals who are not members of the owner’s family without the right of first refusal by the City of Arab. Re-purchase of such plots by the City shall be for an amount not to exceed the amount specified in this Section.
- Any title transfer of burial plots shall require a $50.00 transfer fee.
- No monument can be set until plot has been paid in full.
- Only one body per casket and one casket per burial plot shall be allowed.
- Not more than two cremated remains may be buried in any one burial plot.
- All urns interred in Arab City Cemetery must be placed in a separate urn liner or urn vault.
- The practice of scattering cremated remains at any place in the Cemetery is specifically prohibited.
Maintenance Policies
- No trees or shrubbery shall be planted in the cemetery without the consent and notification of the Cemetery Manager.
- All perishable flowers associated with a burial shall be removed from a burial plot no later than two weeks after the burial.
- All permanent flowers shall be placed in a vase or a saddle on a monument. No glass containers allowed. No wire or metal anchors permitted to anchor flowers in the ground.
- All flowers shall be removed by March 1st, to get ready for Decoration Day in the month of May.
- Pot flowers and sprays may be left at a grave site up to one week past Decoration Day, after which only one pot may be left at the gravesite.
- Live flowers planted around monuments and not maintained properly are subject to removal by the Cemetery Manager. Artificial flowers that are faded or deteriorated will be removed at the discretion of cemetery manager.
- Live flowers planted around monuments and not maintained properly are subject to removal by the Cemetery Manager. Artificial flowers that are faded or deteriorated will be removed at the discretion of cemetery manager.
Monument and Grave Marker Policies
- Prior to the setting of any monument or grave marker, approval of the Cemetery Manager is required, in accordance with established procedures.
- All foot markers must be installed not more than one-half inch (½”) above ground level.
- Under no circumstances, shall any monument or grave maker be moved for access to another gravesite. There may be times when graves must be dug by hand, rather than with heavy equipment.
- No trucks or heavy equipment shall be permitted off of cemetery roads without some sort of ground protection. Any company or individual causing damage to the cemetery will be responsible for repairing said damage.
- Two working days’ notice from the Cemetery Manager is required prior to setting monuments or grave markers in the cemetery. Monument companies are responsible for obtaining such permission.
- Monuments and grave markers will be set only during Cemetery Manager working hours.
- Prior to a burial or installation of a monument, the owner of, or the individual having control of the deed to a particular burial plot, shall complete the required plot “use” documents provided by the Cemetery Manager.
- Said documents shall, at a minimum, include the following information:
- Cemetery Addition Number.
- Cemetery Section Number or Letter.
- Cemetery Block Number.
- Burial Plot Number
- Owner of Burial Plot.
- Name of Person Being Buried.
- Name, Address and Phone Number of Contact Person(s).
Burial Policies
- Any company or individual digging or opening a burial grave must be properly licensed with a valid City of Arab Business License, and insured, for a minimum amount of $100,000 in general liability.
- Prior to beginning work, any company or individual digging or opening a burial grave must receive prior approval from the City of Arab Public Works Department Director to perform such work.
Columbarium Regulations
- The use of the Columbarium lot spaces shall be subject to the following regulations:
- All fees for the sale of Columbarium lot spaces shall be $1,000.00 per niche.
- No more than two cremains may be placed in any Columbarium lot space. Urns must be of a standard size and fit in a twelve inch (12”) niche.
- A Columbarium niche is for the internment of human cremains only. Deceased pets, valuables, flowers, mementoes, etc. will not be allowed in a niche.
- Niche openings can only be performed by City employees. Anyone, other than a City employee, who attempts to open a niche, will be prosecuted under state and local laws. Any acts of vandalism will also be prosecuted under state and local laws.
- The City will be responsible for repairs to the Columbarium. The City will take all reasonable care to insure the safety of interred cremains. However, the City will not be held responsible for the loss or destruction of interred cremains due to vandalism, acts of nature or any unforeseen circumstance.
- The City shall maintain records of Columbarium lot space locations, as well as names and dates of birth and death of the deceased. The City shall also maintain records of Columbarium lot spaces sold by the City, and Columbarium lot spaces available for sale by the City.
- The engraving of a niche cover shall be subject to the following guidelines:
- To maintain the Columbarium in a uniform manner, the City will arrange for the engraving of the niche cover. Only name, birth date and death date will be allowed. Only Monument Modern Roman – SR Rev, .75” in size, will be allowed on all niche covers. An engraving fee will be assessed at the time of the engraving at the current rate.
- To recognize United States Veterans, a military logo will be allowed upon proof of honorable discharge.
- Niche covers are not required to be engraved. Engraving of the niche cover is allowed before interment of the cremains. A temporary replacement cover will be installed by the City until the engraved cover is returned.
The above Cemetery Management Policies and Procedures are in effect as of the date of adoption of Resolution No. 2018-30R, adopted on the 4th Day of September, 2018, and Resolution No. 2019-49R, adopted on the 13th Day of May, 2019, and will remain in effect until superseded or amended by resolution adopted by the Arab City Council.
Arab City Hall
740 North Main Street
Arab, Alabama 35016
Monday - Friday
Mission Statement
The City of Arab has a mission to foster and sustain a living environment that cultivates progressive awareness and the acceptance of diverse cultural differences, while maintaining a wholesome family atmosphere.
The mission also includes an improved quality of life through economic growth and development, continuously seeking ways to increase revenues, and the ongoing expansion of local Infrastructure.